Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our Big Weekend

Once again, I find myself past due on updating everyone as to how we are doing. Perhaps you can take it as "no news is good news". This past weekend was a big one for us. We attended the March of Dimes/NICU Graduate Party at the State Fair Grounds. This was Levi's very 1st time to go outside (not counting the times when we are whisking him to the vehicle with a blanket overhead =] ) Many of the NICU staff members were able to attend. It was so nice to finally reunite with some of his favorite nurses, respiratory therapists, and lactation consultant. They could not believe that Levi is already a 13 pounder who is wearing six month clothing. At the event, we were also able to see two of Levi's best friends, Lynzie and Marshall. They were discharged around the same time that we was. They too were getting to truly experience the outdoors for the very first time. March of Dimes was having an annual march during the event and reported that they had over 400,000 dollars raised in their name for this chapter over the past year. It was also mentioned that they spend approximately four million dollars annually to save our precious babes. After singing Happy Birthday to all of the babies, we enjoyed delicious hamburgers and ate cake. Teddy and Naomi also had a blast at the "Baby Birthday Party". Auntie Rebecca was able to join us and as always was a big help with brother and sister. We were so glad that she wanted to be a part of this celebration especially since she was so much a part of our surviving his NICU/PICU stays. Levi now gets to go outside with us (in the shade ofcourse) and loves it! He is so happy. All it takes to make him grin from ear to ear is to say his name and talk to him. His brother and sister constantly have his attention. Their love for each other is so strong. I consider myself to be most fortunate for getting to call myself their mother and getting to spend my time watching them grow.


Katie said...

It was great seeing y'all. We had so much fun! We're glad Levi is doing so well!