Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Fun . . .

We have already had a full summer and are so thankful that we still have another month left of it to enjoy. Then again, SC summers seem to last a little longer anyway :) Papa and Nana were able to fly out for the first time since Levi was discharged from the hospital. He currently weighs 16 pounds and 2 ounces and is such a SWEETHEART!!! He is so smart (as a matter of fact, he is trying to help me push the keys as I type =] ) A week ago he was seen for his well visit and was told that he is up to date on all of his immunizations until his 1st birthday in October - Levi was so thankful to leave the office painfree. He has a follow up with the pulmonologist scheduled for the 11th. We will find out when they will begin to give him the monthly synogis shots that will help to prevent another case of RSV. RSV season will "resume" in September and last through April. While we know that we are to walk by Faith rather than fear, we must be wise and continue to do our best to keep the kids away from other children (in an indoor setting during this season). We did allow the children to attend a VBS this summer and were even brave enough to allow Levi to stay in hotels during our fabulous beach trip with Papa & Nana as well as an overnight trip to Charlotte to watch my cousins,12 yr. old triplets, compete in track and field at a National event (They too got to experience the NICU and are obviously doing amazing.) Levi had so much fun getting to visit the zoo for the very 1st time. He was not as sure about the crashing waves that he recently experienced. He loves to hear his own voice and deep belly laugh. Teddy and Naomi are thrilled that he has taken not only such an interest in them but in his books and toys as well. He has started rolling onto his stomach to sleep at night - for several nights we battled with him to no avail . . . finally, we called his Dr. for suggestions - he assured us that once they can roll themselves over they are no longer considered at risk for SIDS. Levi is quickly outgrowing his infant carrier that we once wondered if he would be big enough to ride in and is just barely fitting into his nine month outfits. He still has NO desire to wear shoes or sandals. It is so wonderful to watch the kids interact. If Levi gets the least bit fussy, Teddy and Naomi run to comfort him.


Katie said...

He's so big, and adorable. Lynzie went to the pulmonologist on Monday and she weighed 16lbs 9oz. I'm glad he's doing so well!